Do you have a self hosted WordPress blog? Do you use your iPhone or iPad to manage your blog?
I do for both. And I’ve just updated to the (don’t let me complain too much) new iOS7 on both instruments. I don’t know if it is an iOS7 bug, but I have encountered something really odd with the official WordPress app – it won’t log into my self-hosted site on my iPad anymore. iPhone is fine. Just not the iPad. This annoyed the heck out of me last night and kept me up till 1am (yes, I am obsessive about software or hardware when it doesn’t work – my iPad ZAGGkeys Mini 9 keyboard wasn’t working either – all happy in the morning).
I was just about to despair when I found an online recommendation for Blogpad Pro. I paid my $5 something, and downloaded it. What can I say other than it is great, and I have no intention at the moment of going back to the official app. It is really user friendly, and has a great interface for writing posts. One feature is the easy addition of images (which was a pain on the official app). I’ve only been using it for 24 hours, but it comes with my recommendation. Check it out at the App Store.
Are you aware that when I open your blog now I get a recorded add from Apple about the new iphone? This is the first time I have been bombarded by cyber-fruit on your site. is there something in your blog about the new app that sets it off?
It might be the video in the post below that automatically begins playing on your computer when you open my page – it is a spoof of the iPhone launch. If you hear it again, scroll down to see if the Matthias I Am video is playing. I think it is just a local problem with you
Nup. It starts playing every time. Hey it’s pretty funny, but it wears a bit thin.