Registered Commentators: Please drop me a comment

Dear regular readers and registered commentators,

Tonight this site was bombarded with spam comments, and it took me some time to get it under control. I have added extra protection and it seems to have done its job, but my concern now is that I have barricaded the gates so securely that maybe legitimate commentators will have difficulty getting through.

So, to celebrate my re-entry into the blogosphere, please drop me a comment saying “Hi!”, and let me know your thoughts on whatever is going on in the Catholic world. That way we will catch up with one another and also I will be able to determine whether my anti-spam plugin is doing its job by keeping out the enemy without deterring “friendly fire” from this site!

About Schütz

I am a PhD candidate & sessional academic at Australian Catholic University in Melbourne, Australia. After almost 10 years in ministry as a Lutheran pastor, I was received into the Catholic Church in 2003. I worked for the Archdiocese of Melbourne for 18 years in Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations. I have been editor of Gesher for the Council of Christians & Jews and am guest editor of the historical journal “Footprints”. I have a passion for pilgrimage and pioneered the MacKillop Woods Way.
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16 Responses to Registered Commentators: Please drop me a comment

  1. Ttony says:

    You’re probably not as interested as I am in what was happening 150 years ago!

  2. Hi David,
    Wish me luck and drop me a prayer, in a week from now I’m off to Italy to walk from Assisi to Rome. This is not the traditional medieval pilgrimage route. It makes the detour via Assisi, however more people are interested in it, and I am following in the footsteps of an American Evangelical minister who has become a keen pilgrimage walker, and who is writing an English language guidebook for the route Florence, Assisi, Rome.
    I also hope to join the evening prayers in Rome of the Catholic lay community Sant’Egidio, which seems to exist everywhere in the world except Australia.
    One of these days I would like to try the Aussie Camino that you described.

  3. Joshua says:

    Hi David! I look forward to resuming discussions on your blog.

  4. Faz says:

    The things you do to get attention, David! :-)

  5. Matthias says:

    Hi Schutz missed your blogging. what’s happening- well the owner of LINEN ON THE HEDGEROW has written that he is being treated for an aggressive cancer,prays for him
    I received an email today from Catholic Social services victoria inviting me to a pre election breakfast discussion this gnomic week. Within the space of an hour the invite was withdrawn.

  6. PM says:

    Greetings – good to see you back. I’mstill here, but too flat out to contribute much at present.

  7. An Liaigh says:

    Hi David,

    Glad to have you back blogging again.

    An Liaigh

  8. Graham K. McKenzie says:

    Good to hear from you again David. Can we expect to hear more from you?

  9. Monica says:

    Hello! I haven’t really hit the blogosphere for so long and I just popped on by here to see how things were with you and saw your “Say hello” post. So I thought I would do just that. Hope all manner of things are well!

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