We’ve lived in our humble abode, the Casa Schutz-Beaton, for some 14 years. It is a small but pleasant three-bedroom home at the bottom of a long drive. Quiet and private, thanks especially to large shadey trees that overhang our driveway from the neighbour’s yard.
But it isn’t our home. We belong to the middle-age renter class, thems what missed out on buying their own home before the hike in real estate prices 15 years ago. So, we are at the mercy of our landlords.
Today a team of “homewreckers, vandals and visigoths” turned up in their hoodies with chain saws on behalf of the owners of our home and the neighbour’s home, and started hacking away. Here is the evidence.





More After
We wept.

I sympathise, Dogmatix
Good to see you blogging. There appears to be a silence descending upon australian catholic blogs:
Australia Incognita
Cardinal pole
all quiet at the moment
You might take some comfort in LTA’s arboricide commentaries from over the centuries: