No, it still isn’t up on the Vatican website in English yet, although if you go to this page it is now available in the original Italian, Portuguese, German and Spanish. Given that it was only there in Italian and Portuguese yesterday, it can’t be long before it appears in English as well.
In the meantime, Sandro Magister (or rather his translator Matthew Sherry who is a real God-send to the English speaking ecclesiastical world — Thanks Matt!) has provided the complete text in English on his website at this address.
Well, this article states pretty much what I expected:
Good progress with the Orthodox, bad with the mainline Protestants, so-so with the “evangelicals” and Pentecostals.
But, having a family comprised of Protestants and Catholics the following is of special interest to me:
Protestant theology, marked during the first years of dialogue by the “Lutheran Renaissance” and by Karl Barth’s theology of the Word of God, has now returned to the motifs of liberal theology. As a result, we are seeing that, on the Protestant side, the Christological and Trinitarian foundations that were until now common presuppositions are sometimes diluted. What we held to be our common heritage has begun to melt here and there like the glaciers in the Alps.
Aside from the divergence on social issues between the Catholic Church and the Protestant mainline, this to me is the crux of the deterioration in ecumenical relations between the Catholic Church and the Protestant mainline. When the Trinitarian foundations as well as a proper balance between a Christology from “above” and a Christology from “below” are lost, as they have been in much of mainline Protestantism, dilution of historic Christianity inevitably results.
Evangelicals and Pentecostals, on the other hand, have maintained a good Christological balance but lack the sacramental dimensions of the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
Although I should have added that in some Evangelical/Pentecostal bodies with their highly charismatic foundations the human/divine nature of Christ is sometimes not kept in balance.