It isn't funny being a Chocolate Bunny.

I left my easter gift buying too late. I went down to the Central Catholic Bookshop today to buy one of the “chocolate paschal lambs” made by the Friends of the Mission. They are very tasteful (and one expects, very tasty). But they were sold out. So it will have to be the traditional egg this year again.

Nevertheless, I rather wondered whether one would be able to bring oneself to bite of the head of the paschal lamb, or chew its bottom. Which is why I find this little picture below so funny. Apologies to any this may offend. Maybe it isn’t appropriate for Holy Week. Ah, well. The best humour is usually inappropriate…

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2 Responses to It isn't funny being a Chocolate Bunny.

  1. Christine says:

    Oh dear, now I’m going to have to break my blogging fast for Holy Week.

    Thanks for a great chuckle for the day, I loved it!

  2. Jeff Tan says:

    Loved this, David. :-)

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