I returned from a pleasant morning spent in the company of Josh and others, to find my daughters distressed over our pet rat, Twitchy. He was having breathing difficulties. At 52 months, we knew that this day would come. A visit to the vetinary hospital confirmed the worst – he had a respitory infection and his elderly body was not strong enough to fight it. He was placed in an oxygen crib for about half an hour, but during that time he began to bleed from his ears and nose, and we knew we couldn’t put off the inevitable. We have brought him home and he is lying in state in the lounge room untill this dvening when it will be cool enough for a backyard burial.
As when our pet guinea pig Hagrid died, we will use aform of prayerwe have preparepared. I think i might publish it separately here on SCE when I get to my computer.
Oh no, David – I feel awful for you and your daughters at this sad turn of events, especially as I took up so much of your time this morning, when the sands of time were running out for your dear pet… And in retrospect it appears most unfortunate that I commented that I myself am not fond of rodents!
Having almost lost my own pet dog last year, I do feel for you.
It was ironic that you asked what I had planned to do with the kids this afternoon, but also a bit spooky, because I suddenly had this thought that I should get home to be with them, and came home to this. Ratty has been a surprisingly affectionate and friendly pet. Last Tuesday night, after coming home from the Biotheics Dinner, he sat on my lap as I read and smoked my pipe outside. Very companiable.
Oh that is so sweet and our condolences, David. I can’t imagine how one would keep a pet rat and as I am a Jack Russell fancier I guess its unlikely to ever happen – however shall apply to our children for details on rat pet keeping. One of our ch. has one of those giant NZ rabbits as an indoor pet – Aloysius. I would like your pet send-off prayers, for sure.. 4 plus years, I imagine is a pretty good innings for a rat…. Perhaps he lived so long because the girls took such good care of him. We like that he lay in State – good example that…how interesting that you had that intuition to get right on home, after he had been in your lap not long before his descent…
My condolences David, and what a beautiful way to acknowledge the passing of a beloved animal companion. They are such gifts. I would love to read the prayers you mentioned.
Joshua, my sympathies to you as well. I am still missing very much my sweet Shar Pei, a rescue dog I lost due to kidney failure not too long ago.
Yikes, I just reread and see that you ALMOST lost your dog Joshua, so I am glad to understand that your furry friend is still with you.